Everyone has encountered an aroma that instantly triggers their senses or calms the mind. That is one of the superpowers Clary Sage essential oil possesses. The first time I ever came across this great oil, the smell came up like a beautiful fragrance of fresh herbs, and it felt calming to my senses.
If you are new in the field of essential oils or have ever wondered about the relevant processes that concern Clary Sage, then prepare for a big treat! The post below is all about Clary Sage essential oil: what it is, the benefits thereof, and most importantly, how you can use this miracle during a massage session to enhance your relaxation!
Clary Sage has a very distinct aroma, with its blend of earthy, sweet, and slightly floral notes. It’s similar to lavender, yet a little deeper, which I think gives it an edge to shine brighter. But Clary Sage is more than just a great smell; this is an essential oil that may be used to help keep you balanced and grounded in very many areas.
Clary Sage Essential Oil Benefits
- Reduces Stress and Promotes Relaxation: After a long, stressful day, a few drops of Clary Sage essential oil are an excellent choice in which you can calm yourself down. The string in its inherent relaxing nature helps to calm nerves and soothe a troubled mind. Rub a bit on your neck or wrists when you come home feeling frazzled-instant calm.
- Balances Hormones: Clary Sage is great, especially for women who have problems with hormonal balance. It helps get rid of PMS symptoms, menopause, and menstrual cramps. That is why it becomes a comforting ally in certain weeks a month, as this oil can maintain hormone balance.
- Mood Booster Attention: Feeling down? Clary Sage has been in use to lift the spirit and opening emotional gateways. By stimulating parts of the brain regulating emotions, it may just do what will brighten up one’s spirits.
- Relaxes Muscular Tension/Pain: Clary Sage relaxes the muscles. If you are sore after a workout, or just in everyday stiffness, massaging a blend that includes Clary Sage oil will help with soreness and muscle relaxation.
- Benefits for the skin: Clary Sage oil is beneficial for the skin; it controls excessive oil that one may have, which could be contributing to inflammation, which in turn might help you reach a clearer complexion, let alone sensitive or problematic skin.
Benefits of Clary Sage Essential Oil

Clary Sage Essential Oil: How to Work It into a Massage
Step 1: Carrier Oil
For this, one should always dilute the Clary Sage essential oil in a carrier oil. Examples include coconut oil, Jojoba oil, or sweet almond oil. These light oils do not feel greasy on the skin and mix very well with clary sage. In general, about 5-6 drops of Clary Sage essential oil may be diluted in a tablespoon of your carrier oil.
Step 2: Prepare the Area
Create an open environment; for example, turn the lights down, play soft music, light a few candles, and arrange an oil diffuser with Clary Sage essential oil. A receptive environment helps you to relax and enjoy the massage.
Application of Oil-Step 3
Quickly warm the oil mix in your hands then apply it to high tension areas of the body like neck and shoulders. Rub on skin with light circular strokes. Tell the client to take deep breaths as you set a mood for massage.
Step 4: Emphasize Pressure Points
Pressure points such as the temples, base of the skull, and the soles of the feet all work very well with Clary Sage to relieve stress and promote relaxation. Use your thumbs to apply gentle pressure, moving in small circular motions. Go slowly and savor it.
Step 5: Deep Breathing and Relaxation
Take very deep breaths with yourself or your massage partner. The benefits of Clary Sage essential oil are multiplied when one breaths it in deep inside, as the body absorbs its therapeutic components.