If you are a licensed massage therapist and you are seeking a job as a massage therapist around Raleigh, NC we are glad to have you here. we believe that nothing happens by chance and if you are on this page, so maybe there is a reason.

we are a team of all massage therapists who build their own business to not only care for our clients but also care for ourselves and what we deserve.

When you join Step Above Massage you will be paid almost more than any other massage business out there and it’s because we believe massage should be done by hands who are completely willing to. when you massage somebody you are transferring your energy to your client and if you would be happy with your work, of course, the customer will feel that and receive that energy.

Also as a therapist who built this business, I’m completely familiar with all of your concerns as a massage therapist and figured out what should be done for a therapist to be happy with their work.

Join us as a massage therapist