calamondin essential oil

What is calamondin oil and its aromatherapy

calamondin oil is one of the popular essential oils that is being used in America. to learn about the benefits of calamondin essential oil we need to learn about its fruit benefits. Calamondin (cal-a-mon-din) is a small hybrid of citrus grown as both a color decoration and an edible treatment. In this, every tree and…

caraway essential oil

What is Caraway seed oil and its aromatherapy

Caraway seed oil is very essential and it has a magnificent smell like the fresh seeds: rather sweet spicy odor with a hint of pepper. Caraway oil is a warming essential oil, which helps to balance or maintain mental strain and emotional fatigue, spell aiding the digestive and urinary system and clearing the respiratory system.…

camphor oil

What is camphor oil and its Aromatherapy benefits

Camphor products can be applied to the skin (topical application) or inhaled. Be sure to read the label to find out how the product should be handled. Camphor helps to improve broken skin and also apply the center quickly. It also helps to treat the respiratory treat flatulence loss weight Experts warn against doing this…

buchu oil

What is buchu oil and its aromatherapy

Buchu Oil leaves of this small shrub are dried and smoked to obtain dark yellow, minty, and camphoraceous oils. The range offered has an extremely strong blackcurrant scent. Common names: Mountain Buchu, Bookoo. Planting Section: Leaf Herbal: Yes Botanical Name: Agathosma betulina It also called and also known as ‘Round Leaf  Buchu’ and in this…

black pepper essential oil

What is Black pepper oil and its Aromatherapy

This is an essential oil blend .it is best to apply this directly on your skin. I use this as a scented mud on my hard-hitting points – I find it very comforting and it makes me a little hungry. Maybe I don’t need to talk about this again, perfumes are so delicious, so it’s…