Get rid of leg muscle spasms with a unique treatment! Our suggested treatment is the deep muscle therapy, which is a popular way to relieve pain such as hip pain, neck pain, and leg pain. Massage naturally produces serotonin, a chemical with analgesic properties. Besides, the lack of restorative and deep sleep is one of the factors that aggravate pain. To get more information about the benefits of deep muscle therapy on legs, keep on reading the article.
deep muscle therapy is mostly used for sports injuries due to its focus on deep tissues. Massage therapists, in this type of massage, uses gentle and slow movements in deep tissues, muscles, and tendons of legs. Step Above Massage believes that deep tissue massage is an excellent choice for chronic muscle injuries such as sprains and back and leg cramps.
Why apply deep tissue massage on leg muscles
Most people get stretched and twisted in their knees as they get older. The knees, which are one of the essential parts of the body to support the body’s weight, are often damaged due to activities. About 30% of people over the age of 65 have knee pain or dry knees. Knee pain has many causes, some of which are related to the muscles and joints. If you have severe knee pain for more than a week, be sure to see a doctor diagnose it. Deep tissue massage therapy can be an appropriate and effective way to relieve pain in this part of the body.
What does a deep tissue massage do to your leg muscles
Massage therapy reduces inflammation and stimulates mitochondrial bio-genesis in the musculoskeletal system. Moderate massage pressure reduces depression, anxiety, heart rate, and cortisol levels, and alters EEG patterns, indicating that the body relaxes as a result of the massage. This pressure increases the average activity of the nerve and decreases cortisol levels. Functional data obtained from MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) confirm that moderate-pressure massage affects various areas of the brain. These include the amygdala, hypothalamus, and anterior cortex, which play a role in stress and sensory modulation. Deep tissue massage is used for various knee problems, such as reducing knee pain, rehabilitating sports injuries, reducing stress, relaxing nerves, reducing anxiety and depression, and helping with general knee health.
What are the leg deep tissue massage benefits
Massage therapy in medicine is performed to cure leg pain by focusing on the back of the knee, lateral muscles, quadriceps, iliotibial band muscles, and leg muscles. Deep muscle therapy is a unique way to relieve plantar fasciitis (plantar fasciitis). This treatment will be very suitable for professional athletes, especially people who engage in foot sports like runners. Runners usually use this treatment to increase their endurance. Deep muscle therapy will also be beneficial in relieving iliotibial band syndrome (ITB) and plantar inflammation. It is also used to treat neuromuscular disorders, myofascial release, trigger points.
Why apply deep tissue massage on gastrocnemius muscle
Deep muscle therapy can help release overtight muscles such as gastrocnemius muscle. The muscles in the legs can often cause pelvic pain because they can affect how we move and walk and even sit. For example, flat feet (especially common in women) can result in more pain. This force is transmitted to the knee and eventually to the thigh as the muscles are attached to each joint, either stretched or shortened depending on the angle and location.
Cramps in the following muscle groups are more common
- Back of the leg and lower leg (gastrocnemius muscle)
- Behind the groin (hamstrings)
- In front of the groin (quadriceps)
Besides, cramps and stiffness of the muscles of the legs, arms, and muscles along the chest are also common, which help to heal by strengthening the quadriceps and other tissues. Muscle cramps are more common among endurance athletes (for example, marathon runners and participants in triathlons) and older people who engage in strenuous physical activity.
Why apply deep tissue muscle is useful for muscle cramps
Almost all of us have or will have muscle cramps at some point in our lives. Muscle spasms can occur while playing tennis, golf, bowling, swimming, or any other sport. However, seizures and strains of the lower back can occur when sitting, walking, or even sleeping. Some people are prone to leg cramps and often suffer from this condition due to any physical exertion. Massage therapy is one of the most effective ways to relieve muscle cramps. Because it increases blood flow to muscle tissue, doing a massage while stretching the muscle can quickly relieve the pain caused by muscle cramps and spasms and release muscle contraction.
Infants and young children, people over 65, and all patients, overweight people, and those who put a lot of strain on their bodies during exercise or work, and who take certain drugs or medications are more prone to muscle cramps.
Athletes are more prone to muscle spasms in pre-season workouts and competitions when their bodies are not adequately prepared, and they get tired faster. Seizures often occur in the last minutes of strenuous exercise or 4 to 6 hours later.
What is quadriceps muscle
The quadriceps muscle is made up of four distinct muscles, one of which is the rectus femoris. The most common quadriceps injury is crushing and contusion, mainly in the rectus femoris muscle, located in front of the thigh. The most crucial role of this muscle is to straighten the knee (lifting the leg). This muscle pulls the knee out of the bent position and places the leg along the thigh. Weak quadriceps reduce knee stability. Knee setback may also occur due to a malfunction of this muscle. To strengthen this muscle, Deep muscle therapy should not be denied!
Here at Step Above Massage, we present you with the best massage therapy services you have ever experienced.