Do you have an office job or any type of profession for which you have to be seated for long periods of time? Then, you would definitely know how uncomfortable you could feel after hours of sitting down. Being seated for a long time can actually hurt your body structure and harm your muscles and bones, sometimes leading to acute pain in your neck and lower back. In such conditions, the idea of a brief relaxation at the office on a chair and fully clothed can be absolutely tempting. This is what a chair massage can take care of!
What is a Chair Massage
A chair massage is a muscle relaxation you can receive while you are on a special massage chair with all your clothes on. If done at the office, it can help you have quick relief from work stress and tension. A brief 15-minute massage of your back, shoulders, arms, neck, and hands can release the tension from the parts of your body which overwork during a workday at the office.
During a chair massage, there is no need for clean towels or massage oil. You just sit in a specifically designed chair which positions your body and head at the most relaxed way, supporting all the previously-busy muscles. A chair massage can be as effective as other massage techniques. The most comfortable part is that it can be performed with no need to take your clothes off, a perfect way to relax in public but stressful places such as offices.
What is the Difference Between a Chair Massage and a Massage Chair
Although a chair massage is usually performed on a specifically designed chair, it is not the same as what a massage chair does. In a chair massage, there is always a therapist who knows what technique to use on what part of the person’s body. However, a massage chair is an electronic and automatic chair which can be programmed according to the intensity and type of massage you prefer. Unlike a chair massage, you do not need a professional therapist in order to use a massage chair.
How Can Office Chair Massage Make a Business More Profitable
Negative office culture is something that can easily reduce the efficiency and collaboration of colleagues and teammates at the office. Body fatigue and work exhaustion can exacerbate employees’ negative moods and human errors. On the other hand, large companies nowadays are heavily depleted by tons of workloads. Employees do seek for a company in which they can balance their work-life balance, not to mention all the concerns and struggles each employee is dealing with on a daily basis, inside and outside the office. Employees’ dissatisfaction with their jobs can lead to high rates of absenteeism, substance abuse or turnover which, in the long run, can be costly for the companies.
Now, imagine being hired at an office which offers you 15-minute breaks with a free chair massage! You would certainly love to go to the office every single day just to be that much relaxed and free from all problems! Actually, office-bound employees often work almost two-thirds (or more) of their workdays at the office. If an office becomes successful in the enhancement of workplace experience of its employees, it can actually improve their overall wellbeing. Employees with healthier minds and bodies can have higher efficiency, productivity, and creative thinking which can eventually result in a more successful and profitable business.
What are the Benefits of a Chair Massage at Work
Offices that offer chair massages for both the employers and employees can see positive effects permeated all through the work atmosphere. The benefits of a chair massage session are actually similar to those of a full body massage at a spa. Relaxing both the body and the mind through a chair massage comes with great mental and physical benefits.
Chair massage Mental Benefits
A good chair massage session reduces anxiety, stress, and mental tension. Higher morale, better communications between colleagues, better office behavior, effective creative thinking, higher trust and loyalty, increased accuracy and attraction of the work culture are among other benefits of relaxing both the employees’ and employers’ bodies and minds.
It can also lower the likelihood of anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. By having massage therapy sessions, people feel being more valued and therefore respect their work and work culture even more. The offspring is lower sick time and absenteeism, lower costs of employee turnover, and lower workplace injuries and strains.
Chair Massage Physical Benefits
Advantageous chair massage sessions can decrease pain, headache, muscle strains, and blood pressure. It can also boost one’s immune system functions by better blood circulation and more effective operation of the body’s good cells. Better mental status can improve one’s sleep quality which itself can reduce headaches and energize the body even more.
Improved body flexibility can increase one’s good feelings and promote his/her physical activity when needed. An advantageous chair massage session can also treat carpal tunnel and tendonitis issues, and decrease pain and discomfort.
What Are Other Long-Term Effects of Chair Massage at Work
A Privilege for Shy People
There are always people who are not comfortable with getting undressed for a massage session. In a chair massage, even the shyest people can relieve their muscle tension and pain. They can also decrease the headache caused by overwork, while not even a piece of their clothes is taken off.
Talent Attraction and Retention
A great massage offer can be considered as an exclusive benefit of your company. On one hand, it can attract more knowledgeable and smart talents, and on the other, it can retain skillful employees who now feel greater respect and appreciation at work. With a lower turnover rate, there will be a significant decrease in the time and costs of hiring and training new people.
Lower Health Care Costs
Employees, especially those who are seated for longer periods of time, may suffer from neck and low back pain, or even more progressed and serious issues. Regular and repetitive sessions of chair massage can reinforce people’s health and prevent tension recurrence. Other than benefiting the employees, employers can also benefit from a reduction in health care costs.
Other Points
- What to Expect: The special chair on which you sit in a typical chair massage session bears your weight and positions your body at the most relaxed way. You will be seated forward into the chair and put your face on a comfortable face cradle, waiting for the massage therapist to release the tension of your neck, arms, hands, and lower back.
- What You Need: There is no special preparation needed. You can sit with all your clothes on, even your shoes. Nonetheless, it is recommended that you take off your thick jacket, sweater, coat, or whatever that can decrease the effectiveness of the therapists’ pressure and massage.
- How Long Will It Take: The whole session can take 5 to 30 minutes and the massage will be mostly applied on your shoulder, neck, and back.
- Be Cautious: All in all, discuss any special conditions of your current physical status with your massage therapist before the session is started, for instance, if you are pregnant or have had a recent surgery. In case of experiencing any type of pain, tell it to the therapist immediately.