The problem of the formation of a fold in the lower part of the face, and the “floating” contour worries many women, to solve this problem, they suggest using a chin massager, which will help to forget about a cosmetic defect, strengthen muscles, and increase their tone. Such devices have a different principle of operation, but they pursue one goal – to gradually eliminate excess adipose tissue, and at the same time to tighten the stretched skin. do you know how massagers can help double chin?
The second chin is formed under the influence of several factors. Most often, this phenomenon signals a violation that has occurred in the body. Let’s get acquainted with the sources of the problem.
- Overweight. The appearance of a double chin and puffy cheeks often signals the appearance of overweight. If the factor that provoked difficulties with the oval of the face is overweight, after weight loss, the double chin will gradually disappear.
- Impaired posture. Walking down the street and even reading with your head down can also trigger the formation of a cosmetic defect. You need to look after your own gait and the position of the body when working with papers or reading, then there will be no problems with a fold in the neck area.
Jawbone devices: In such a situation, the appearance of a cosmetic defect is due to the way your jaw is naturally arranged. If you have an obtuse angle between the lower jaw and neck, you are at risk. If you naturally have a large lower jaw and an overestimated position of the hyoid bone, you do not need to worry – there will be no problem, even with a set of more than 30 kg. - Dramatic disposal of extra pounds. With age, a person can gain extra pounds, and under the influence of some factors – dramatically lose weight. As a result, the skin simply does not have time to shrink to the required size and sag. Loose skin on the neck is an alternative for the development of a double chin. As a result, you need to get rid of extra pounds on the sly, if the reason for the sharp weight loss is not some kind of disease. Moreover, to tighten the skin, you need to use massage therapy, creams, and some exercises.
- Violation of hormonal levels and pathology. This is already a more serious problem. The appearance of a goiter can easily be mistaken for a double chin, but this condition signals a danger. If you suspect a problem with the thyroid gland, you should immediately seek the advice of a specialist.
In addition, the source of the appearance of a cosmetic defect may lie in the wrong bite, the use of a soft fluffy pillow during sleep, pregnancy, and a shortened neck. As you can see, there are many factors that can provoke the development of folds on the neck. Now let’s move on to considering ways to eliminate this drawback.
What are massagers for
Special massagers for double chin are able to achieve the desired result in a shorter time. This is due to the directed action on the problem area. A number of changes take place under their influence.
- The process of splitting fat cells is accelerated.
- Blood circulation improves, which contributes to the saturation of tissues with oxygen and nutrients.
- Metabolic processes restore speed. This affects the complexion.
- Muscles acquire tone due to regular exercise.
- Wrinkles are smoothed out.
- The oval of the face is restored.
Types of massagers
Devices like massagers for double chin can massage the lower face and neck are divided into several groups, depending on the method of exposure.
- A device based on creating a pressure difference is called a vacuum massager. A small section of the problem area is drawn into a glass flask. As a result of this elaboration, the crushing of fatty deposits is ensured, which contributes to easier utilization.
- An electrical device produces micro-impulses that cause active contractions of the elements of the muscle frame. The principle of operation is based on the use of vibration, ultrasound, light.
- A mechanical apparatus requires a person to apply certain efforts to overcome the resistance of the spring. Regular workouts prevent fiber atrophy and increase elasticity.
Impact with a roller accelerates blood circulation. This leads to improved nutrition and respiration of cells, the formation of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for skin elasticity. Some models are capable of emitting infrared radiation, which increases the flow of blood in the chin and neck area. - The radio wave massager slightly increases the temperature in the upper layers of the dermis and adipose tissue. The procedure causes a change in the spatial configuration of collagen fibers. They shrink and thereby eliminate sagging skin. At the same time, the circulation of blood and lymph increases, renewal at the cellular level is launched, and fat reserves decrease.
- The laser gently stimulates the renewal of the dermis, smoothers wrinkles, and increases muscle tone.
The best massagers for chin and neck
In such a variety of massagers that promise to get rid of a double chin, it is easy to get confused. A review of the reviews of those women who have already conducted field tests of devices with different principles of operation will help to choose a truly effective device.
There were conflicting opinions about the spring device. Its cost is quite affordable, but a comparable result can be achieved using a conventional set of exercises. However, both those and others require constant training.
A roller neck massager improves skin condition, removes wrinkles, but the fat fold is not subject to it.
Electrical stimulation is another matter. Striking changes in the chin area can be obtained within 30 days. After a month of laser sessions, there is also a positive trend in solving the problem.
The radio wave massager effectively works on the chin and neck area. Regular treatments eliminate excess fat from the lower face.
Cosmetologists agree on one thing: to eliminate a cosmetic defect in the form of a double chin, one massage is not enough. A comprehensive approach should include balanced nutrition and exercise.
General guidelines for the use of massagers of any type contain a number of rules. Their implementation helps to enhance the effectiveness of the procedure.
- Skin cleansing.
- Application of cream or talcum powder for better results and elimination of discomfort.
- Move the device following the instructions or directions of a specialist.
- At the end of the session, it is recommended to apply a nourishing mask.
There are limitations under which the use of a massager can be harmful to health.
- Skin rashes caused by an infectious disease.
- Implants in the problem area.
- Diseases associated with the endocrine system.
- Feverish condition.
- Tuberculosis.
- The presence of a pacemaker.
- Pregnancy.
Simultaneously with the use of the massager, cosmetologists recommend performing special exercises, providing full face care with creams, masks with a lifting effect.
It is also important to rethink your habits in order to get rid of some of them.
- For a night’s rest, it is preferable to use a low pillow or bolster, then the neck will be in the correct position.
- Maintain your posture in any situation.
- Keep track of your calorie intake to avoid weight gain.
- Follow your drinking regimen.
- Increase your physical activity.
Last thoughts
The choice of a massager for a double chin is influenced by material capabilities, the presence of contraindications, and personal preferences. However, a device of any type will not give positive changes if you apply it from time to time, keep bad habits, and excessive eating habits. A healthy lifestyle, physical activity in combination with massage will help to correct the shape of the face.
if you want to get a massage in Raleigh, NC you can give us a try at our Salem woods drive location. also, we have another location at wake forest, NC for walk in massages so feel free to come and join our happy clients.