calamondin oil is one of the popular essential oils that is being used in America. to learn about the benefits of calamondin essential oil we need to learn about its fruit benefits.
Calamondin (cal-a-mon-din) is a small hybrid of citrus grown as both a color decoration and an edible treatment. In this, every tree and pant green and also have white leaves and in this, we also see the purple beautiful flower that can be transformed into smooth fruits like calamondin. Calamondin, also called acid oranges or golden lemons, is thought to have originated in China. These days it is commonly grown in the Philippines and throughout Southeast Asia where fruits are used to make soups, sauces, seafood dishes, and other delicacies. Calamondin finds out and sees in the most southern us in Florida in the 20 century. Because of their distinctive flavor of the fruit, calamondin is used in lemonade, marmalade, and cake as well as sliced ββon the sides and cooked green with tea. The fruit of calamondin resembles tangerines, reaching about an inch in diameter or about the size of a small lime. They have small deep rinds ranging from yellow-orange to a more colorful hue depending on their maturity. When choosing ripe calamondin, it is best to remove the fruit from the tree to avoid tearing out the branch or calamondin skin. To cook with calamondin (unless otherwise specified), choose a firm fruit as it will continue to ripen in the vine and produce fleshy and very tasty meat. Modern recipes use the clear splendor of calamondin to enhance everything from cocktails to citrus-centric desserts. Throughout the year, calamondin will experience several explosions or periods of new growth. Plants are pollinated and do not need partners or incentives to produce fruit. Simply water when dry and store your calamondin in bright sunlight. Whether it is a pot or a plant, it will flourish all year round, all the while smelling the air with a delicious aroma. calamondin oil is very beneficial for the body.
Aside from the importance of the beauty of the calamondin tree, the acidic fruit brings health benefits to individuals. The fruit is used to make spices, to add flavor to fish
Here are some of the benefits that this fruit brings
- Weight loss. This particular hot juice is well known for its weight loss effect, as it cannot only stimulate metabolism but also remove excess toxins from the body that can contribute to fat storage.
- you will have less energy and less fat formation. We know that everyone wants to weight loss if you want so calamansi juice helps to reduce weight take 1 glasses daily in the morning
- It regulates cholesterol levels. Anecdotal evidence and other studies have found that this juice can help lower your cholesterol levels, which is an important step in losing weight and avoiding metabolic syndrome. It can also help reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, heart disease, and stroke.
- Improves Breathing HealthThe high level of citric acid in calamansi juice helps to break down phlegm and mucus, where infections remain and spread, while also soothing inflammation in the throat and respiratory tract.
- Weight loss. Known for promoting urination and kidney excretion, calamansi juice can be a powerful dehydrating agent, boosting the function of your liver, kidneys
What are the side effects of calamondin
you are more likely to be safe if you take oral medication. There is not enough reliable information to know if bitter orange is safe to use when breastfeeding. Stay on the safe side and stick to the amount of food during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.
- Use caution and monitor blood sugar levels closely.
- Some studies have not found such high blood pressure. To date, there have been no studies looking at the effect of bitter orange on blood pressure in people who already have high blood pressure. calamondin oil is edible and being used for external use.

How to use calamondin
Calamondin can be eaten fresh but is usually made into juice, beverages, dried, and used as a preservative, cucumber, or taste. calamondin oil is also good for external use.
- The fruit is used in marmalade and chutneys, is preserved in sugar syrup, and is used as a flavor of seafood and meat dishes.
- It is commonly used to transfer acid to noodles such as Pad Thai, laksa, grilled fish or smoked fish, and a variety of sambal sauces in Southeast Asia.
- Calamondin is a chutney ingredient in Malaysia.
- Whole fruits, fried in coconut oil with various spices, are eaten with curry.
- The stored page is added as a flavor for some missed or preserved fruit.
- Half or a quarter of Calamondin can be served with frozen tea or noodles to be squeezed with acid juice.
- Calamondin fruits can be cut and boiled with cranberries to make a tart sauce.
- Calcium is also stored whole in sugar syrup, or made from sweet pickles, or marmalade.
- The top marmalade is made using an equal amount of almonds and kumquats.
- Calamondin- papaya marmalade is popular in Hawaii.
- Acid fruit juice is diluted with concentrate and juice.
- The juice is very important in making acidic drinks.
- It is often used as lime or lemon juice to make gelatin salads or desserts, custard pies, or chiffon pies.
How to apply
Now, here are some ways to incorporate Calaman into your daily skincare plan. First cut the fruit in half and remove the seeds carefully. The next step could be in any of the following:
- Rub half of the fruit all over your body focusing on the relatively dark parts like elbows and knees. If you have dark spots or old scars, you should rub the juice on those parts as well. Take a shower or bath with warm water after half an hour.
- Squeeze fresh Calaman juice and dip a small cotton ball into it. Now, apply it to the dark areas of your face, wait 10 minutes, and then wash with warm water.
- now you can take 1 teaspoon of Calman then 2 teaspoons of milk you have mix and apply on the body and face. Wash off after 5 to 10 minutes in lukewarm water.
- However, the acidic condition of Calaman can cause a feeling of heat when applied daily on the skin. Therefore, practice this two or three times a week and you will easily get the results you want.
calamondin essential oil is also used with some of our oil blends collection for those who want to get a massage combined with aromatherapy and essential oils.