Chair massage is a portable, easy, and effective kind of Massage in which massage therapists can help a larger amount of clients in a shorter amount of time than other kinds of massages ( light relaxation massage on the table).
You can take the massage chair and use it anywhere. It’s Portable and therefore the massage therapist can take it wherever clients want to have a chair massage.
on these kinds of massages, massage therapist has access to the upper back, mid-back, lower back, neck muscles, scalp, shoulders, arms, and hands.
Normally, chair massage is a public kind of massage, therefore, clients don’t get undressed. There is no need for using massage oils or lotions. A massage chair is so comfortable to sit on for a short amount of time and this kind of massage can give you complete muscle relaxation and pain relief as quickly as 10 to 20 minutes.
Massage therapists usually start the session with massaging the neck, shoulder muscles (working on superficial muscles like trapezius, rhomboids then start working on deeper muscles like levator scapula, splenius capitis, rotator cuffs, deltoid). Then he walks on the back muscles start from one side go down the spine with lighter pressure work on superficial muscles, then with firmer pressure work on deeper muscles( superficial muscles like latissimus dorsi and deeper muscles like erector spinae, external oblique, and internal oblique, iliocostalis, longissimus thoracic, and spinalis thoracic).
It’s important that massage therapist works on thoracolumbar aponeurosis and iliac crest with lighter pressure, but definitive work on these areas in cases client feel lower back pain. Then he/she needs to work on the same muscles on the other side of the back. Then its time to massage arms, forearm, palm of the hands, back of the hands, and fingers. Massage therapist can finish it with some tapotement and rocking on the back.
It’s important that massage therapist hold the chair when asking the client to get off the chair. He needs to make sure the client can get off the chair safely and doesn’t feel dizzy.
What massage therapist needs to know for a chair massage session
1. Although chair massage is a 10 to 20 minutes session, massage therapist needs to make sure the session is safe for every single client. Taking a quick and intake form before starting every session is important.
Massage therapist needs to know that the client takes any medicine or not, does he use a pacemaker or not and if the client is a woman is she pregnant or not (if clients use a pacemaker or our woman client is pregnant, she needs to sit on the chair on her side and lean one of her shoulders to the chair), does the client experienced headache, dizziness, kidney dysfunction, or blood clot.
2. Massage therapist needs to ask the client about the level of pressure and make sure it is comfortable for the client.
3. Massage therapist needs to make sure the height of the table is adjusted for every client and the headrest is adjusted.
4. Massage therapist needs to make sure, he/she would sanitize the chair and his/her hands between every two clients.
Every employer can get the advantage of chair massage benefits and treat their employees for the great massage for their Health and Wellness.
Our step above massage in Raleigh, NC has great chair massage services with so many experienced local therapists and if your company is located in Raleigh, Cary, Durham, Chapel Hill, Apex, garner, or any other near city around Raleigh, you can count on our team for a perfect routine of chair massage services.