Reiki massage is one of the Asian massages. Reiki’s difference with other massages is that it can also be treated remotely. Other Reiki massage difference includes a wonderful complement to medicine and helps relax patients on the mind and physical body.
This massage is an energy-based alternative healing method for an effective treatment that relieves pain. When this massage is done correctly, it can be used to reclaim physical and psychological imbalances.
The word Reiki comes from the Japanese language. It is a combination of the words Rei which means “Universal Life” and Ki which means “Energy”.
Many Raleigh massage clients like to know more about this type of massage.
History of Reiki
Modern Reiki is based on the training of a Japanese monk named Mikao Usui. During a meditation several years after developing this treatment, Mikao Usui decided to add the Reiki Ideals to this practice. He spent many years traveling to various countries. He taught thousands of students how to use a powerful energy channel.
This massage spread to the U.S. in the 1940s, and then to Europe in the 1980s. In the U.S, lots of adults tried this massage or a similar therapy at least once in their life. All over the world, Reiki massage is growing in popularity.
Training of Reiki massage
Reiki massage uses principles similar to acupuncture. The difference is that Reiki massage is done through gentle touches. You do not have to be a member of a particular religion because Reiki is spiritual in nature. Training the basics of Reiki massage is relatively simple. Most practitioners can learn the basics by attending several classes. This type of massage has three levels of learning. These levels are called first, second, and Master. A Reiki Master is someone who has been reached the highest level of this massage. At the Master’s level, he will be able to share techniques with others.
Healing of Reiki massage
Reiki massage experts believe that every human being has a layer of energy known as biofield. When this energy balance is disturbed, it results in physical, emotional, and spiritual discomfort.
A practitioner’s hand is his most important tool. During the healing session, the energy of the practitioner is transferred to the body in this way. However, Reiki can also be used remotely and direct physical contact is not required. It is possible to send healing energy from all over the world.
This massage can be effective in reducing pain, stress, fear, and insomnia. It also raises the energy level and plays a role in relieving the side effects of the drug and promotes recovery. This massage works fast. The person being massaged usually feels a significant difference after a treatment session. Nurse and researcher Leonis Korabashi have proven this massage significantly reduces stress only after eight sessions of treatment. A study in 2018 also showed recovery in hospitalized patients who get Reiki massage. Relief of depression, pain, nausea, anxiety was seen in this study.
Reiki massage is non-invasive and safe for everyone, including children, pregnant women, and people with chronic health conditions. Reiki helps people cope with the stress that is often associated with illness and injury. It can also be used as part of the soothing care process.
What happens in a Reiki massage session
Reiki massage experts are not under medical training and do not cure certain diseases. During the treatment, except for shoes, you are completely covered and do not need to remove clothes. Then the practitioner moves his hands on or above a recipient’s body to use the healing energy. This treatment consists of seven chakras, which are energy centers in the body.
The practitioner’s hands are paused in each position for between three to ten minutes, depending on the amount of energy. During this massage, if the practitioner feels that the energy, in his hands has abated, they will place them over a different area of the body. A Reiki Massage session lasts between 20 and 90 minutes. The complete program of this massage also varies from six months to two years. The cost of this Massage session varies based on where you live and the time of the session.
Benefits of Reiki massage
- Creates deep relaxation
After this massage session, most people feel calm and relaxed and sometimes they have a deep sleep during the session as well.
- Relieve emotional stress and tension
Reiki massage is a great tool for stress reduction. This massage helps people to balance their energy levels, managing the stress of daily life or when transitions are happening in their lives.
- Promote physical well-being
Reiki massage helps to improve your body’s system vital functions such as breathing, digesting, and sleeping so your physical systems are well-being.
- Promote harmony and balance
Reiki massage helps to dissolve energy blocks and promote a natural balance between mind, body, and spirit. It also helps to maintain harmony so they can respond to the challenges differently.
I liked that you said that Reiki massage could help to balance energy levels in order to reduce stress. This is what I will share with my sister who has been dealing with so much stress due to the divorce process that she had to go through. She wanted to make sure that she could find a way to manage her stress well in order to become productive at work again, so your tips are helpful.