As we age, our bodies and general appearances change. This is why you will find people seeking different remedies to look as young as possible. Dysport is one of these treatments people seek. Massage therapists should understand this procedure to be in a position to perfectly handle their clients who had dysport injection. Massage can help minimize some side effects of this procedure, and also speed up the time in which results become visible.
Dysport procedure should only be performed by an experienced medical practitioner as it involves injecting the affected muscles that trigger glabellar. Once the affected muscles have been identified, the medical practitioner will commence the dysport procedure. The dosage used in this procedure is determined by an individual’s current condition. Dysport procedure is recommended for individuals with severe glabellar lines. Results for this procedure can be visible within days, depending on the severity of the wrinkles.
How does Dysport work?
Dysport injection contains less protein levels, making it difficult for antibodies that protect the body to attack it. This is the reason the dysport procedure can be effective for a long time. The molecular structure of the injection used is one of the reasons the results are visible quickly compared to other similar treatments. You can also spread the injection across a huge section of the forehead through massage.
The benefits of Dysport procedure
- It is safe procedure that has been tested and approved by FDA as safe for humans. Therefore, the side effects from dysport procedures do not pose any health risks to anyone.
- This procedure can be used on different areas apart from the forehead. Areas like the neck and the jawline can be rectified using this medical procedure.
- It restores an individual’s youthful look by reducing the wrinkles and making the skin smoother.
- Dysport procedure prevents the formation of wrinkles in the future as it cuts off communication between the muscles and the nervous system, which automatically prevents the contraction of muscles and forms wrinkles.
- The results of this cosmetic procedure are natural and it’s difficult for someone to notice.
- Dysport results last for a long time, making it one of the preferred procedures.
benefits of Dysport procedure

The side effects of Dysport cosmetic procedure
- Mild headache that will go away within hours or days.
- There will be pain around the area that has been injected.
- Some people might experience swollen sinus.
- Nose infection is common after a dysport cosmetic procedure.
- Some people may contract infection in their upper respiratory tract.
- Swelling of the face might occur, but it is a rare symptom.
- Some people might get hives on their face.
- Eyelid swelling may occur for people who have got an injection around the eyelid.
Getting massage after a Dysport procedure
Anyone who has undergone dysport should not lie down to rest for a few hours. This is because it takes time before the injection is evenly distributed on the targeted muscle. When massaging a client who recently had the dysport injection, encourage them to place their face in their cradle. This is one way of avoiding massaging the area that had undergone the procedure.
Discourage your clients who underwent dysport procedures on the forehead from wearing any hat. Cleaning the injected area is permitted but it should be done gently. Massage therapists should discourage their clients from applying cosmetics on their face for a few days. Applying pressure on your face might bring a lot of discomfort. The side effects will start to disappear after a few days. This is an indication that recovery has started kicking in. Carefully evaluate the injected area before considering massage.
Dysport cosmetic procedure is one of the best procedures to help restore your youthful look and slow down the ageing process. However, it is important to undergo the procedure from a specialized medical practitioner to help avoid injuries. Drinking plenty of water is another way of taking care of your skin. Water can slow down the rate at which wrinkles develop on your body. Eating a healthy diet is also another way of keeping your skin healthy and looking good. Lastly, massage therapists should encourage their customers to consult their doctor in case the symptoms become severe.