Watsu massage is a very know therapy in the whole world. It uses the water in order to handle adequate healing for people facing problems. It involves many special techniques of stretching, acupressure in warm water, and massage techniques too. It is also called hydrotherapy. we have an article about hydrotherapy in our blog for Raleigh massage clients.
The word watsu comes from the combination of the two words water and shiatsu. Actually, shiatsu is a historical word in Japanese means that massage is used to produce relaxation in the human body. It stands for finger pressure. The founder of the watsu massage is called Harold Dull. In 1980 Dull noticed that the muscle and the body can be relaxed more in water. So he starts applying Watsu massages on his patients in the middle of the water. They have directly noticed a huge impact on their body healing from injuries.
It also releases the alleviates pain and any injuries that randomly stick to your muscles. The resistance of the water will apply tension and boost the relaxation of your muscles. Like that, you will feel less stressed than ever before too.
You can apply watsu therapy in a hot pool. The water temperature needs to be around 35 Celsius. This is exactly the same temperature degree of the human body. During the watsu massage, the therapist will apply gentle moves in your body. You need to relax in order to let your muscles purely easily to the finger’s pressure of the therapist in water.
The therapist will use the water pressure and move your entire body in specific motions. The session may include:
• You can have gentle twisting
• You will be able to apply stretching
• massaging pressure points underwater
The main goal of the watsu massage is to release the tension of your muscles. You will even retrieve the relaxation of your fascia tissue. You can promote healthy energy flow in your routine day too. In water, the blood circulation will be even smoother and you will feel active all day. Actually, many therapists today use music in order to let your mind and body relax in a fast way.
What is Watsu used for
If you want to enhance the physical movement in your daily routine and adjust your posture and walk shape then try water therapy. It has a direct impact on your body. You will be able to seek the next results in a very short delta time. All you need to do is to adopt a really steady routine of watsu massage not just for one or two sessions. The power of habit is crucial in the field of massage today.
• Muscle tension will be released
• Back pain will vanish too
• Chronic pain is going to be ended
• You will get rid of the problems of fibromyalgia
• Women will make a real end to their discomfort during pregnancy
What are the benefits of the hydrotherapy called Watsu
The watsu founder has been always working on the benefits of massage for years. The founder was always developing new techniques in the field of massage.
Watsu will help with decreasing pain
Nowadays researches produced a great harmony between watsu therapy and pain relief. Even pregnant women, easily make an end to their chronic pain of bones and back during the pregnancy period too. The therapeutic effect of water immersion can make a great effect on joint mobility too.
After finding similar results, you will be addicted to such kind of therapy. Once you finish the 15 watsu therapy session, you will have a great routine life free from any kind of pain symptoms. Even the blocked arthritis is going to vanish with time. For aged people, they will receive less pain too.
The viscosity and the pressure of water will surely reduce the reactor’s pain. You will stop feeling any pain in your muscles too. Water without even applying any massage to your body will make you relaxed. Using the watsu techniques will make you feel even more relaxed. Water therapy makes it easy to heal your muscle thanks to the low level of gravitational force on your whole body parts. Like that you will later more relaxation on your muscles too. Moreover, once you perform many sessions you will do such exercises alone without the help of any therapists too.
Reduced anxiety will be easier now
No one can deny that pain will increase your anxiety. Watsu therapy can make your anxiety less powerful. You will feel the difference after each session. After watsu, even a person with a disorder still feels relaxed. The watsu therapy has a direct impact on the pain pint on your body all using the water pressure assistance. The perception of pain can be even worst due to anxiety. This is why the Watsu water therapy can make you prevent any kind of pain prove and improve your pain perception too.
Watsu will increase joint mobility
You can also improve joint mobility. It will make your arthritis more dynamic and active during your long days too. Actually, more than 50 percent of old people are facing problems with joint mobility. Watsu comes to make a real end to such a nightmare. It is very similar to the traditional kind of therapy. All you need to do is practice the finger pressure in the right way. Hydrotherapy will certainly help a lot.
The active movement of hydrotherapy can be ideal for juvenile arthritis. However, waste can make the movement more targeted due to the pressure of the therapist’s finger and the smooth pressure of water too.
In addition to that, a lot of studies confirm that Watsu helps a lot with joint mobility and remade a credible spa or therapy center to heal your injuries using the Watsu massage techniques.
In the end, we can confirm that the doctors and experts in therapy often recommend Watsu therapy. Actually, this is due to the natural method the therapist will use during hydrotherapy. Nothing is artificial everything is pure natural. Even the pressure, no devices or tools are going to be used, just the water natural pressure and the hand of your skilled therapists too.