more to know about deep tissue massage

Points to Consider Before Receiving Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage is a massage type that involves deep pressure on deep layers of tissues and muscles. This massage type is usually performed on patients with chronic pain and strains. Among the benefits of deep tissue massage are pain reduction, break up of knots and scar tissue, enhanced blood circulation, more balanced body chemical,…

what is pregnancy massage

Whats Pregnancy Massage

Additional weight, back pain, muscle strains, and emotional imbalances are only a few of all the physical and mental troubles a pregnant woman can suffer from during her pregnancy. While a great way to subdue stressors is to enjoy a soothing pregnancy massage therapy, is it safe for a pregnant woman to have a massage…

swedish massage history and inventor

Who Invented Swedish Massage

One of the most well-known massage types all around the world is the Swedish massage. During Swedish massage, the therapist uses gentle pressure of his/her hands, arms, or elbows to release the tightness of the client’s muscles, so as to enhance his/her overall health. An effective Swedish massage can help to enhance the client’s blood…

massage therapy after botox

Massage Therapy After Botox

You are at work, in an airport or mall, in an official event, or anywhere else, and you suddenly find a tempting massage booth that delivers fantastic massage. While you are getting ready to relieve from body and mind tiredness in a brief pleasant massage session, you suddenly remember your Botox injections the other day…

benefits of massage after baby delivery

Benefits of Massage After Baby Delivery

After an extensive stressful 9 months of expecting your family’s new member and spending one or two day(s) of distressing labor, now you definitely need to take a few hours away from your motherhood responsibilities and have the luxury of a number of comforting and healing massage sessions. Talk to your husband, mother, friend, or…

pregnany and chair massage

Pregnancy and Chair Massage

No matter how enjoyable and restful a chair massage session is, safety is always your first priority as a pregnant mother. During pregnancy, you may feel very concerned and worried about any type of pressure on your body. In this article, we will show you that you are still able to both enjoy a brief…

how to lose weight with massage

Massage and Weight Loss

If you are trying your best to avoid oily and sweet foods, cancel your date at a fast-food restaurant, wake up early to go to the gym before work, or go jogging in order to sweat more until you become short of breath, or keep track of any other weight loss program, then you may…

chair massage expectations

What to Expect During a Chair Massage

At a busy airport, a hectic mall, a tiring conference, a long event, or even at work, you may feel too exhausted and your muscles may become tense and painful. In all these public places or anywhere people may feel physically or psychologically too worn out, a simple and small chair massage booth can be…

back massage for backache

Benefits of Back Massage for backache

Massage therapy can help your body posture to realign in a proper and pain-free position. It helps to relax muscle tension and soreness that comes with bad posture. In addition, a result of a more relaxed and free body is greater flexibility and a higher range of motion which can improve your overall health and…

massage possible injuries

Can Massage Cause Injuries

People undergo various types of massage as supplementary therapies which can help them to reduce stress, pain, and discomfort. However, in some cases, this very relaxing therapy can itself cause injuries or aggravate the pre-existing ones. In this article, we will review a number of medical complications that may occur during a period of massage…

workplace chair massage

Pros and Cons of a Workplace Chair Massage

Heavy workloads, complicated work problems, angry customers, conflicts with coworkers, bad posture, hunching over your computer desk, and a lot of other issues can make you feel terribly exhausted at work. Office tension and distress can both be physical and emotional. In such a distressing atmosphere, what can be more effective than a few minutes…

chair massage and pain

Chair Massage and Pain

If you ever experienced a relaxing massage therapy session on a massage table in order to soothe your muscle pain and tension, you probably know that it takes at least an hour to benefit from the restful advantages of a massage session. An extensive massage therapy session takes a considerable amount of time, from undressing…

pnf stretching and its benefits

PNF Stretching Enhance Your Physical Ability

Flexibility allows you to move your muscles easily and comfortably, whether you are a professional athlete or a non-athlete. Flexibility helps you move your body in any direction you want, and with higher flexibility, your range of motion and mobility will also be higher. Flexibility significantly becomes more important if you are a professional athlete…

aromatherapy massage and its benefits

Benefits of Aromatherapy Massage

An aromatherapy massage is a combination of two treatments of aromatherapy and massage therapy. Any benefit that each of these therapies singly has can be attributed to their combination as aromatherapy massage. Therefore, we can start with aromatherapy itself so that we can grasp a more comprehensive idea of what benefits aromatherapy massage can also…

chair massage for corporate events

How Can Corporate Events Stand Out by Chair Massage

If your company has an upcoming event, you are probably planning to hold it as most remarkable as it can be. You organize everything, from inviting great guests to the special offers and discounts of the event, from the quality of drinks and foods to the excellence of the products and services you have provided…